Designed for

The Speed

Of your Business

The Best at What We Do

Worth The Waites Design team is an experienced and passionate group of designers, developers, project managers and artists. Every client we work with becomes an important part of what makes us who we are. Together we face the challenges and celebrate the victories.

Secret of Our Success

Form and function, forever. Worth The Waites Design team a digital shop , with a passion for design and technology that continues to look to redefine our clients everyday. We believe that the best interactive experiences come from that sweet harmony of smart design thinking and innovative use of technology and marketing. Our work has proven that correct, time and time again.

Every project is unique, but they all start with one thing in common. We want to know everything: where you started. Where you want to go next. What you value. Who your customers are and why they care about you. The only way to solve a problem is to understand it from every angle. Luckily, we’ve got a proven process to quench our insatiable curiosity


The conversation with your audience goes beyond the digital space, and tactile communications certainly still have relevance. From brochures to billboards to boxes and everywhere in-between, we’re well-versed in bringing your story to life no matter the medium.

Logo & Identity

The term identity says it all: a distilled representation of who you are. Whether you’re a new player on the field or a seasoned vet looking , we live to develop or redevelop your identity in line with a long-term vision and big-picture strategy. Visual storytelling at it’s finest….


Technology changes at a breakneck pace, and we’re happy to be a Guide. We’re here to direct and educate you every step of the way. By looking at the your goals and budget, we’ll create a design to reach your users across all digital mediums.

Website Deveopment

A website is a necessary tool for nearly every business and organization. An effective, beautiful website is a game changer. We design top-notch responsive sites with care given to everything from information architecture to content, color to typography.

Non Traditional

A direct route to your audience’s eve may not always fall into a nice and tidy category. It might make more sense to think outside the box and hit ‘em where they least expect it. Let’s get original. Let’s get creative. Let’s get weird.

Design for the Experience

Design extends far beyond the screen and page. Everything is designed, from the way you navigate a space to the way you interact with your customers. A compelling brand considers all aspects of experience, and we’ve got the tools necessary to help you think through the details.

Branding isn’t just a logo

It's What we do

Your brand is a promise. It’s what you believe in,
 what you stand for, and how that comes to life for your audience. It’s the defining factor that makes you "you," letting you stand apart from the crowd. From strategy through execution, we help organizations large and small uncover their secret sauce and tell that story in a consistent and compelling way

A brand isn’t just a logo. It’s a gut feeling. The thing that people can always put their finger on but never quite put into words. Because we’re all emotional, intuitive creatures – and it’s people that define a brand, not businesses or markets.

For a great brand to resonate, engage and remain in the hearts and minds of its intended audience, it needs to be constantly monitored, especially in a digital world that’s constantly evolving.So to really get to know your brand, we’ll organize brand collaboration days where we meet you and your team, and talk to your customers on and offline.We then bring the brand to life visually in the form of logos, typefaces, colour palettes.